Editorial Recomandat

Filme, cărţi şi câteodată fotbal: 22 iunie 2014

world-cup-2014Rezultate 21 iunie 2014:

Argentina-Iran 1-0

Pronosticuri corecte: –

Germania-Ghana 2-2

Pronosticuri corecte: –

Nigeria-Bosnia 1-0

Pronosticuri corecte: –

Clasament intermediar:
1-3. Codruț, Marian, Emil – 25 pct.
4-5. Mihaela, Costi – 20 pct.
6. Alex – 15 pct
7-9. Iulian, Jovi, Dan – 10 pct.
10-12. Jules, Monica, Eddie – 5 pct.
13. Bogdan – 0 pct.

Clasament vizitatori Filme-carti.ro:

1. Beatrice – 25 pct.
2. Tudor Mirică – 15 pct.
3. Alex – 5 pct.


Pronosticuri meciuri 22 iunie 2014:

Coreea de Sud-Algeria

Eddie: 1-0
Dan: 3-2
Marian: 1-1
Iulian: 1-2
Codrut: 2-0
Jules: 1-0
Costi: 2-1
Mihaela: 3-1
Alex: 1-0
Bogdan: 1-0
Jovi: 2-2
Monica: 2-2
Emil: 1-0


Eddie: 2-2
Dan: 2-7
Marian: 1-2
Iulian: 1-3
Codrut: 1-3
Jules: 1-3
Costi: 2-0
Mihaela: 1-3
Alex: 0-1
Bogdan: 3-2
Jovi: 0-4
Monica: 0-3
Emil: 0-1


Eddie: 1-0
Dan: 1-2
Marian: 2-1
Iulian: 1-1
Codrut: 3-1
Jules: 0-2
Costi: 1-0
Mihaela: 2-0
Alex: 2-0
Bogdan: 1-2
Jovi: 2-0
Monica: 2-1
Emil: 1-0

EvertonsParteneri concurs: Editura Polirom, Books-Express.ro, Libris.ro și Editura Litera.

Momentul sponsorului:
Books-Express.ro. ”Evertons Greatest Ever Premier League Team DVD”. Everton Football Club is one of only seven teams to have competed in Premier League every season since it was formed back in 1992 and, as the competition celebrates its 20th anniversary this programme looks back on the greatest Everton players of the era.
From Ferguson to Watson, Graveson to Cahill, and Baines to Unsworth, take a look back at the men who have all contributed to the Everton story and see who will be revealed in the line up for the club’s Greatest Premier League Eleven as voted for by the fans.
With so many legends born the challenge has been to separate the great from the good but the final selection is one to be proud of and a reflection of the quality that has secured Everton’s longevity in the greatest league in the world.

Va precizam ca oricine poate comenta la articolele noastre, iar cel care va ghici cele mai multe rezultate în comentariile înaintea jocurilor va primi un pachet de cărţi-surpriză din partea Filme-carti.ro.


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Beatrice 22 iunie 2014 at 17:22

Coreea de Sud-Algeria 2-1
SUA-Portugalia 1-2
Belgia-Rusia 2-1

Kaartijer 22 iunie 2014 at 17:32

Moamaaa, ce drag are Dan de SUA… 7-2 pt Portugalia… tztztz :))


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