Recomandat Soundtrack-uri

Concurs: Soundtrack-uri celebre (7)

Saptamana sapte din seria de soundtrack-uri celebre, reamintindu-va ca va vom supune atentiei doua sau trei soundtrack-uri, in fiecare joi, pana in ajunul Craciunului si ca puteti vota oricand melodiile din celelalte saptamani pentru a intra in tragerea la sorti finala.

Dupa primele sase saptamani, concursul nostru ne arata urmatoarea ordine a pieselor din filmele:

1. The Bodyguard – nota 9,36
2. Four Weddings and a Funeral – nota 8,83
3. Titanic – nota 8,65

4. The Lion King – nota 8,38
5. Evita – nota 8,35
6. Pretty Woman – nota 8,34

7. Top Gun – nota 8,26
8. Amelie – nota 8,02
9. Arizona Dream – nota 7,90
10. Phenomenon – nota 7,85

Modalitatea de notare este urmatoarea:

In fiecare saptamana, printr-un simplu comentariu la articol, puteti vota printr-o nota de la 1 la 10 cele trei soundtrack-uri propuse spre vot. Nu uitati sa va treceti adresa de email corecta si sa urmariti concursul nostru de-a lungul intregului an, iar dupa ce vom epuiza saptamanile de soundtrack-uri, vom face un clasament provizoriu cu melodiile care v-au placut cel mai mult si cu 10 (zece) persoane care s-au implicat in concurs, au votat cel mai mult si s-au aflat cel mai aproape de melodiile preferate de public.

Aceste 10 persoane vor intra in finala si printre ei, prin tragere la sorti, vor fi cei trei castigatori ai filmelor si cartilor oferite de noi, astfel:
Locul 1-un DVD oferit de, o carte in limba engleza oferita de si un DVD surpriza cu muzica clasica!
Locul 2-un DVD oferit de si o carte de la Editura Meronia.
Locul 3-Doua carti oferite de si Editura Meronia.

Saptamana 7:

Soundtrack nr. 19 –  Time Of My Life – Dirty Dancing 1987 – compus de Franke Previte, John deNicola si Donald Markowitz, canta Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes, castiga Academy Award for Best Original Song 1987, Golden Globe 1988 pentru Best Original Song, Grammy 1988 pentru Best Pop Performance by a Duo.

Boy: Now I’ve had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it’s the truth
and I owe it all to you

Girl: ‘Cause I’ve had the time of my life
and I owe it all to you

Boy: I’ve been waiting for so long
Now I’ve finally found someone
To stand by me

Girl: We saw the writing on the wall
As we felt this magical fantasy

Both: Now with passion in our eyes
There’s no way we could disguise it secretly
So we take each other’s hand
‘Cause we seem to understand the urgency

Boy: just remember

Girl: You’re the one thing

Boy: I can’t get enough of

Girl: So I’ll tell you something

Both:This could be love because

Both: I’ve had the time of my life
No I never felt this way before
Yes I swear it’s the truth
And I owe it all to you
‘Cause I’ve had the time of my life
And I’ve searched through every open door
‘Til I found the truth
And I owe it all to you

Soundtrack nr. 20 –  You Are The One I Want din filmul Grease – 1978, muzica si versuri John Farrar, canta John Travolta si Olivia Newton-John, nominalizat in 1979 la Golden Globe pentru cantecul acesta

Tell me about it stud!

I got chills.
They’re multiplyin’.
And I’m losin’ control.
‘Cause the power
you’re supplyin’,
it’s electrifyin’!

You better shape up,
‘cause I need a man
and my heart is set on you.
You better shape up;
you better understand
to my heart I must be true.

Nothin’ left, nothin’ left for me to do.

You’re the one that I want.
(you are the one i want), o,o, oo, honey.
The one that I want.
(you are the one i want want), o,o,oo, honey.
The one that I want
(you are the one i want want), o,o, ooooo
The one I need.
Oh, yes indeed.

If you’re filled
with affection
you’re too shy to convey,
meditate in my direction.
Feel your way.

I better shape up,
‘cause you need a man
i need a man
who can keep me satisfied.
I better shape up
if I’m gonna prove
you better prove
that my faith is justified.

Are you sure?
Yes, I’m sure down deep inside.

You’re the one that I want.
(you are the one i want want), o, o, oo, honey.
The one that I want.
(you are the one i want want), o,o,oo, honey.
The one that I want
(you are the one i want),o, o, oo
The one I need.
Oh, yes indeed.

Soundtrack nr. 21 – Night Fever – din filmul Saturday Night Fever (1977) – Grammy Award pentru Album of the Year – canta Bee Gees

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florain 16 septembrie 2010 at 12:17

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 6/10

vasi 16 septembrie 2010 at 13:50

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 9/10

FLORY 16 septembrie 2010 at 21:58

Soundtrack nr. 19 – Time Of My Life nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 – You Are The One I Want din filmul nota 9/10GreaseSoundtrack nr. 21 – Night Fever nota 6/10

giulia 16 septembrie 2010 at 22:26

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 9/9
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 9/10

gabbis 16 septembrie 2010 at 23:05

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 9/9
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 8/10

tetris 16 septembrie 2010 at 23:36

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 7/10

corina 16 septembrie 2010 at 23:39

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 8/10

Smarandoiu Marina 17 septembrie 2010 at 00:14

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 9/9
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 8/10

adrian 17 septembrie 2010 at 11:25

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 8/10

Klaus Nether 17 septembrie 2010 at 13:41

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 5/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 6/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 3/10

Gavriloi Adina-Mirabela 17 septembrie 2010 at 14:44

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 10/10,Soundtrack nr.20 nota 7/10,Soundtrack nr.21 nota 5/10!

mary 17 septembrie 2010 at 16:29

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 5/10

ion 17 septembrie 2010 at 18:19

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 8/10

Pal Roxana Cristiana 17 septembrie 2010 at 21:55

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 7/10

Adela D 18 septembrie 2010 at 01:50

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 6/10

CosminAD 2 octombrie 2010 at 12:02

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 5/10

vass emanuela 18 decembrie 2010 at 23:26

Soundtrack nr. 19 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 20 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 21 nota 8/10

Luca Marius 19 decembrie 2010 at 20:55

Soundtrack nr.4 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.5 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.6 nota 8/10


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