Filme Recomandat Soundtrack-uri

Concurs: Soundtrack-uri celebre (3)

Continuam seria de soundtrack-uri celebre, fara sa uitam ca este vorba si de un concurs cu a treia saptamana, reamintindu-va ca va vom supune atentiei doua sau trei soundtrack-uri, in fiecare joi, pana in ajunul Craciunului.

Dupa primele doua saptamani, concursul nostru ne arata urmatoarea ordine a pieselor:

1.Pretty Woman – nota 8,30
2. Evita – nota 8,22
3. Le Fabuleaux destin d’Amelie Poulain – nota 8,08
4. Crazy Heart – nota 7,98
5. Arizona Dream – nota 7,90
6. The Woman in Red – nota 7,83

Modalitatea de notare este urmatoarea:

In fiecare saptamana, printr-un simplu comentariu la articol, puteti vota printr-o nota de la 1 la 10 cele trei soundtrack-uri propuse spre vot. Nu uitati sa va treceti adresa de email corecta si sa urmariti concursul nostru de-a lungul intregului an, iar dupa ce vom epuiza saptamanile de soundtrack-uri, vom face un clasament provizoriu cu melodiile care v-au placut cel mai mult si cu 10 (zece) persoane care s-au implicat in concurs, au votat cel mai mult si s-au aflat cel mai aproape de melodiile preferate de public.

Aceste 10 persoane vor intra in finala si printre ei, prin tragere la sorti, vor fi cei trei castigatori ai filmelor si cartilor oferite de noi, astfel:
Locul 1-un DVD oferit de, o carte in limba engleza oferita de si un DVD surpriza cu muzica clasica!
Locul 2-un DVD oferit de si o carte de la Editura Meronia.
Locul 3-Doua carti oferite de si Editura Meronia.

Saptamana 3:

Soundtrack nr. 7 – „Take My Breath Away” din filmul Top Gun (1986), compus de Giorgio Moroder si Tom Whitlock, canta Berlin – Premii: Acadamy – 1986 – Best Song, Golden Globe – 1986 – Best Original Songs

Watching every motion
In my foolish lover’s game
On this endless ocean
Finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn around and say

Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Watching I keep waiting
Still anticipating love
Never hesitating
To become the fated ones
Turning and returning
To some secret place to hide
Watching in slow motion
As you turn to me and say

Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Through the hourglass I saw you
In time you slipped away
When the mirror crashed I called you
And turned to hear you say
If only for today
I am unafraid

Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Watching every motion
In this foolish lover’s game
Haunted by the notion
Somewhere there’s a love in flames
Turning and returning
To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion
As you turn my way and say

Take my breath away

Soundtrack nr. 8 – „When I Fall in Love” – din filmul Sleepless in Seattle (1993), scris de Victor Young (muzica) si Edward Heyman (versuri) si interpretat de Celine Dion & Clive Griffin. Nominalizare Oscar 1994 – Best Music si MTV Movie Award 1994 – Best Movie Song

When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I’ll never fall in love
In a restless world
Like this is
Love is ended before it’s begun
And too many
Moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun
When I give my heart
I give it completely
Or I’ll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you

Soundtrack nr. 9 – „My Heart Will Go On” – Titanic Theme Song (1997), compus de James Horner (muzica) si Will Jennings (versuri), interpretat de Celine Dion. Oscar 1998 pentru Best Music si Original Song

Every night in my dreams
I see you. I feel you.
That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never go till we’re one

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we’ll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

There is some love that will not
go away

You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

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ion 19 august 2010 at 11:08

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 9/10

florain 19 august 2010 at 13:28

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 8/10

vasi 19 august 2010 at 13:57

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 9/10

corina 19 august 2010 at 20:07

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 7/10

adrian 19 august 2010 at 22:01

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 9/10

Smarandoiu Marina 19 august 2010 at 22:03

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 9/10

tetris 19 august 2010 at 22:23

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 6/10

gabbis 19 august 2010 at 22:27

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 8/10

mmada 19 august 2010 at 22:51

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10

NICOLETA 19 august 2010 at 23:20

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10

Cristian F. 20 august 2010 at 08:05

Superba melodia „My Heart Will Go On” si mai superba interpretarea lui Celine Dion.Nota 10 (in afara concursului)

om bun 20 august 2010 at 09:20

7 – 5/10
8 – 1/10
9 – 3/10

Rustem Evelina 20 august 2010 at 11:37

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10

FLORY 20 august 2010 at 13:23

Soundtrack nr. 7 – „Take My Breath Away”nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 7 – „Take My Breath Away”nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr. 9 – „My Heart Will Go On” nota 10/10

FLORY 20 august 2010 at 13:25

am gresit mai sus am dat copy paste gresit
aici este raspunsul meu corect
Soundtrack nr. 7 – „Take My Breath Away”nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 8 – „When I Fall in Love”nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr. 9 – „My Heart Will Go On” nota 10/10

Klaus Nether 20 august 2010 at 14:56

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 2/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 6/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10

Gavriloi Adina-Mirabela 20 august 2010 at 17:35

Soundtrack nr. 7 nota 10/10,Soundtrack nr. 8 nota 10/10,Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10!

mihaelast 22 august 2010 at 14:10

Din ce in ce mai greu concursul acesta!
Soundtrack nr.7 nota 6/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 6/10 (desi in urma cu 10-12 ani as fi notat-o cu o nota mai mare, acum nu o mai consider o melodie extraordinara)

Adela D 23 august 2010 at 15:59

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10

Pal Roxana Cristiana 28 august 2010 at 13:13

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10

papy101 2 septembrie 2010 at 22:12

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10

giulia 24 septembrie 2010 at 09:43

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/9
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 9/10

CosminAD 2 octombrie 2010 at 12:22

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 10/10

vass emanuela 18 decembrie 2010 at 23:49

Soundtrack nr.7 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.8 nota 6/10
Soundtrack nr.9 nota 9/10

Luca Marius 19 decembrie 2010 at 20:50

Soundtrack nr.4 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.5 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.6 nota 9/10


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