Editorial Recomandat

Viața și cariera lui Robin Williams

The nation (and the world) was rocked when news broke that Robin Williams had passed on August 11th, 2014. Fans around the globe mourned his death, reaching out via social media to express their condolences. Many fans popped in one of his many movies, just to see the artist at work once again. Robin Williams brought life, light, and laughter to all that were blessed to see him in action, and www.infographicworld.com has created an infographic listing not only his biographical timeline, but his on-screen timeline as well, so fans can connect, once again, with this comedy icon. Robin Williams was born in 1951, as an only child to a Ford executive and fashion model. From his humble beginnings as a bullied, overweight child, rose a star. He landed a scholarship to Julliard, where he met his famous BFF Christopher Reeve. From there, he wins a spot on “The Richard Pryor show”, follows with “Mork & Mindy”, and the rest, they say, is history. From his small-screen appearances to his latest work, this infographic gives you many of his most well-known works. Feel free to like, comment, and share this infographic from www.infographicworld.com entitled “The Life and Times of Robin Williams”. – See more at: http://visual.ly/life-and-times-robin-williams#sthash.UOyKIi2L.dpuf
The nation (and the world) was rocked when news broke that Robin Williams had passed on August 11th, 2014. Fans around the globe mourned his death, reaching out via social media to express their condolences. Many fans popped in one of his many movies, just to see the artist at work once again. Robin Williams brought life, light, and laughter to all that were blessed to see him in action, and www.infographicworld.com has created an infographic listing not only his biographical timeline, but his on-screen timeline as well, so fans can connect, once again, with this comedy icon. Robin Williams was born in 1951, as an only child to a Ford executive and fashion model. From his humble beginnings as a bullied, overweight child, rose a star. He landed a scholarship to Julliard, where he met his famous BFF Christopher Reeve. From there, he wins a spot on “The Richard Pryor show”, follows with “Mork & Mindy”, and the rest, they say, is history. From his small-screen appearances to his latest work, this infographic gives you many of his most well-known works. Feel free to like, comment, and share this infographic from www.infographicworld.com entitled “The Life and Times of Robin Williams”. – See more at: http://visual.ly/life-and-times-robin-williams#sthash.UOyKIi2L.dpuf
The nation (and the world) was rocked when news broke that Robin Williams had passed on August 11th, 2014. Fans around the globe mourned his death, reaching out via social media to express their condolences. Many fans popped in one of his many movies, just to see the artist at work once again. Robin Williams brought life, light, and laughter to all that were blessed to see him in action, and www.infographicworld.com has created an infographic listing not only his biographical timeline, but his on-screen timeline as well, so fans can connect, once again, with this comedy icon. Robin Williams was born in 1951, as an only child to a Ford executive and fashion model. From his humble beginnings as a bullied, overweight child, rose a star. He landed a scholarship to Julliard, where he met his famous BFF Christopher Reeve. From there, he wins a spot on “The Richard Pryor show”, follows with “Mork & Mindy”, and the rest, they say, is history. From his small-screen appearances to his latest work, this infographic gives you many of his most well-known works. Feel free to like, comment, and share this infographic from www.infographicworld.com entitled “The Life and Times of Robin Williams”. – See more at: http://visual.ly/life-and-times-robin-williams#sthash.UOyKIi2L.dpuf

Robin_WilliamsÎn data de 11 august 2014, Robin Williams a fost descoperit mort, în casa sa, iar toate indiciile duc spre o sinucidere. Un actor deosebit, ce mi-a plăcut mereu, care m-a făcut să râd, deși mai întotdeauna chipul său exprima seriozitate și tristețe. M-am întors de multe ori la filmele sale și probabil mă voi întoarce în perioada asta și mai mult, ca un semn de omagiu pentru un actor minunat.

Nu prea scriem aici despre marile personalități ale literaturii sau cinematografiei ce au plecat dintre noi, ci preferăm să le citim din nou cărțile sau sa le vedem din nou filmele și să scriem despre ele. Cu toate acestea, infograficul săptămânii este al lui Robin Williams: ”Viața și cariera”. Câteva amănunte biografice (inclusiv din copilărie sau primele momente ale dependenței de alcool și de droguri), multe informații despre cariera sa, începând cu rolul din 1980 din filmul ”Popeye”.

Nu vreau să spun mai multe: rest in peace, Robin!


Sursa: Visual.ly.

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