Filme Recomandat Soundtrack-uri

O rubrică nouă şi un concurs – Soundtrack-uri celebre (1)

Inauguram in aceasta saptamana o noua rubrica dedicata celor mai bune piese muzicale care au devenit celebre in coloana sonora a productiilor cinematografice si de televiziune, care au castigat inimile milioanelor de ascultatori, spectatori si telespectatori si care au fost rasplatite cu importante premii la concursurile internationale de gen.

In fiecare saptamana va vom supune atentiei doua sau trei soundtrack-uri, in fiecare joi, pana in ajunul Craciunului.

Si pentru ca rubrica noastra sa devina mai atractiva, vom supune aceste piese jurizarii dumneavoastra. Veti avea posibilitatea sa votati cu note de la 1 la 10 fiecare dintre aceste soundtrack-uri, iar cei mai activi 10 (zece) comentatori, care au votat piesele propuse de noi, cu nota maxima sau cu orice alta nota, vor fi nominalizati si vor intra intr-o tombola care va desemna castigatorii a trei premii din partea site-ului, ce vor consta, normal, in filme si carti, oferite de, Editura Meronia si de alti parteneri.

Modalitatea de notare este urmatoarea:

In fiecare saptamana, printr-un simplu comentariu la articol, puteti vota printr-o nota de la 1 la 10 cele trei soundtrack-uri propuse spre vot (exemplu: Delia: Sountrack nr. 1 nota 8/10, Soundtrack nr. 2 nota 7/10, Soundtrack nr. 3 nota 10/10). Nu uitati sa va treceti adresa de email corecta si sa urmariti concursul nostru de-a lungul intregului an, iar dupa ce vom epuiza saptamanile de soundtrack-uri, vom face un clasament provizoriu cu melodiile care v-au placut cel mai mult si cu 10 (zece) persoane care s-au implicat in concurs, au votat cel mai mult si s-au aflat cel mai aproape de melodiile preferate de public.

Aceste 10 persoane vor intra in finala si printre ei, prin tragere la sorti, vor fi cei trei castigatori ai filmelor si cartilor oferite de noi, astfel:

Locul 1-un DVD oferit de, o carte in limba engleza oferita de si un DVD surpriza cu muzica clasica!

Locul 2-un DVD oferit de si o carte de la Editura Meronia.

Locul 3-Doua carti oferite de si Editura Meronia.

Va dorim placere sa ne urmariti si inspiratie si succes la vot !

Saptamana I

Soundtrack nr. 1 „The Weary Kind,” din filmul Crazy Heart (2009), compusa de Bryan Bingham si T.Bone Burnett, interpretata de Ryan Bingham, OSCAR 2010. Iata mai jos linkul catre interpretare, dar si cuvintele:

Your heart’s on the loose
You rolled them seven’s with nothing lose
And this ain’t no place for the weary kind

You called all your shots
Shooting 8 ball at the corner truck stop
Somehow this don’t feel like home anymore

And this ain’t no place for the weary kind
And this ain’t no place to lose your mind
And this ain’t no place to fall behind
Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try

Your body aches’
Playing your guitar and sweating out the hate
The days and the nights all feel the same

Whiskey has been a thorn in your side
and it doesn’t forget
the highway that calls for your heart inside

And this ain’t no place for the weary kind
And this ain’t no place to lose your mind
And this ain’t no place to fall behind
Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try

Your lovers won’t kiss’
It’s too damn far from your fingertips
You are the man that ruined her world

Your heart’s on the loose
You rolled them seven’s with nothing lose
And this ain’t no place for the weary kind

Soundtrack nr. 2 – „Comptine d’un autre été; l’après midi” din coloana solora a filmului Le Fabuleaux destin d’Amelie Poulain (2001), compozitor Yann Thiersen – premii: French Academy, Goden Globe, César.

Soundtrack nr. 3 – “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” din coloana sonora a filmului Evita (1996), compozitor Andrew Lloyd Webber – versuri Tim Rice, interpreteaza Madonna, Oscar pentru Best Music si Original Song in 1997

It won’t be easy, you’ll think it strange
When I try to explain how I feel
that I still need your love after all that I’ve done

You won’t believe me
All you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she’s dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you

I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn’t stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun

So I chose freedom
Running around, trying everything new
But nothing impressed me at all
I never expected it to


Don’t cry for me Argentina
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don’t keep your distance

And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired

They are illusions
They are not the solutions they promised to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me

Don’t cry for me Argentina


Have I said too much?
There’s nothing more I can think of to say to you.
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true

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florain 5 august 2010 at 11:15

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 8/10

Cristian 5 august 2010 at 13:34

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9/10

scenariidefilm 5 august 2010 at 14:19

V-am trecut in lista mea de BLOGROLL, , sper sa nu va deranjeze. va multumesc ! cu stima, Florin Chiriac

Jovi 5 august 2010 at 20:07

Multumim frumos, vom urmari cu drag blogul dvs.

Laura 5 august 2010 at 20:09

Soundtrack nr. 1 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 nota 7/10

corina 5 august 2010 at 20:21

Soundtrack nr. 1 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 nota 7/10

mike 5 august 2010 at 21:49

Soundtrack nr. 1 nota 8,5/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 nota 9/10

Nedu 5 august 2010 at 23:48

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 6/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 6/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 5/10

P.S. trebuie sa las ceva spatziu in cazul in care apare, cum sa zic asha, o Nadia Comaneci ))

Jovi 5 august 2010 at 23:53

Delia iti (va) pregateste multe-multe surprize, asa ca s-ar putea sa ai dreptate sa fii circumspect la inceput.
Important este ca toata lumea sa retina faptul ca este un concurs de anduranta, pana spre Craciun. Trebuie sa meritati premiile.

vasi 6 august 2010 at 09:40

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9/10

Simona N. 6 august 2010 at 10:19

Piesa nr. 1 – nota 8 – tipic americana
Piesa nr. 2 – nota 7
Piesa nr. 3 – nota 10 – deja un clasic

adrian 6 august 2010 at 12:07

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9/10

mmada 6 august 2010 at 12:20

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9/10

anca_pnt 6 august 2010 at 13:05

soundtrack 1 nota 8/10
soundtrack 2 nota 9/10
soundtrack 3 nota 8/10

gabbis 6 august 2010 at 13:44

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9/10

kornelya 6 august 2010 at 13:44

Soundtrack1: 9/10
Soundtrack2: 8/10
Soundtrack3: 9/10

alyan 6 august 2010 at 13:45

Soundtrack1: 8/10
Soundtrack2: 9/10
Soundtrack3: 7/10

andhrea 6 august 2010 at 13:46

Soundtrack 1: 8/10
Soundtrack 2: 8/10
Soundtrack 3: 9/10

Smarandoiu Marina 6 august 2010 at 13:52

Soundtrack1: 9/10
Soundtrack2: 8/10
Soundtrack3: 9/10

Radulescu Anca Georgia 6 august 2010 at 14:50

Soundtrack1: 7/10
Soundtrack2: 10/10
Soundtrack3: 8/10

Pal Roxana-Cristiana 6 august 2010 at 15:32

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 7/10

NICOLETA 6 august 2010 at 15:56

soundtrack nr. 1 nota 9/10
soundtrack nr. 2 nota 9/10
soundtrack nr. 3 nota 10/10

Robert Miroslav 6 august 2010 at 15:57

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 7/10

Om Bun 6 august 2010 at 17:03


surasdesoare 6 august 2010 at 20:34


Gavriloi Adina-Mirabela 6 august 2010 at 20:43

Soundtrack nr 1 nota 8/10,Soundtrack nr 2 nota 8/10,Soundtrack nr 3 nota 10/10

Klaus Nether 7 august 2010 at 03:12

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 5/10

Adela D 7 august 2010 at 12:30

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9/10

Claudia D. 7 august 2010 at 12:58


Andreea 7 august 2010 at 22:11

Soundtrack nr. 1 – Nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 – Nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 – Nota 9/10

carmen 7 august 2010 at 22:57

Soundtrack nr. 1 – Nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 – Nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 – Nota 10/10

raduta rasvan 7 august 2010 at 23:01

soundtrack nr. 1 nota 9/10
soundtrack nr. 2 nota 9/10
soundtrack nr. 3 nota 10/10

mihaelast 8 august 2010 at 16:15

Dupa ce am participat la concursul cu pronosticuri, hai sa intru si in concurs cu teme muzicale din filme!
soundtrack nr. 1 nota 6/10- numai ascultând melodia, nu m-a convins sa vizionez filmul!
soundtrack nr. 2 nota 8/10 – interesanta! (parca merita mai mult, in opinia mea, dar daca spui ca Delia ne pregateste surprize….astept)
soundtrack nr. 3 nota 4/10 – melodie buna, interpreta stica tot!

ion 9 august 2010 at 18:50

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 7/10

Rustem Evelina 9 august 2010 at 20:07

Soundtrack1 nota8/10
Soundtarck2 nota10/10
soundtrack3 nota10/10

LW 11 august 2010 at 11:51

soundtrack 1 – 9
soundtrack 2 – 8
soundtrack 3 – 7

Aliciuc Ciprian 13 august 2010 at 23:13

Sountrack nr. 1 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 nota 9/10

roxy 14 august 2010 at 15:24

soundtrack nr. 1 nota 9/10
soundtrack nr. 2 nota 9/10
soundtrack nr. 3 nota 10/10

Smarandoiu Marina 16 august 2010 at 21:11

soundtrack nr. 1 nota 9/10
soundtrack nr. 2 nota 9/10
soundtrack nr. 3 nota 10/10
VA:F [1.9.3_1094]

Jovi 16 august 2010 at 21:29

Marina, pentru saptamana nr. 1 ai mai votat o data, cu note diferite. Ramane valabila aceasta ultima optiune sau o mentii pe prima?

tetris 19 august 2010 at 22:39

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 7/10

FLORY 20 august 2010 at 13:32

Soundtrack nr. 1 “The Weary Kind,”nota3/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 – „Comptine d’un autre été; l’après midi”nota2/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 – “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina”nota9/10

mary 27 august 2010 at 07:52

Soundtrack 1 8/10
Soundtrack 2 7/10
Soundtrack 3 10/10
Ultimul e preferatul meu

giulia 31 august 2010 at 15:12

Soundtrack 1 7/10
Soundtrack 2 8/10
Soundtrack 3 9/10

giulia 31 august 2010 at 15:14

Soundtrack 1 7/10
Soundtrack 2 8/10
Soundtrack 3 10/10

manolescu angela 2 septembrie 2010 at 13:25

Soundtrack 1 6/10
Soundtrack 2 7/10
Soundtrack 3 10/10

Pal Andrei 2 septembrie 2010 at 22:14

Soundtrack 1 6/10
Soundtrack 2 7/10
Soundtrack 3 10/10

Anghelache Andreea 16 septembrie 2010 at 17:35

soundtrack nr 1: 7;
soundtrack nr 2: 10
soundtrack nr: 8

Realistik 19 septembrie 2010 at 13:37

Soundtrack nr. 1 – Nota 8,5/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 – Nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 – Nota 9/10

Silviu 19 septembrie 2010 at 20:58

Soundtrack nr. 1 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 nota 8/10

GEORGE 23 septembrie 2010 at 16:13

Soundtrack nr. 1 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr. 3 nota 10/10

Alexandru 23 septembrie 2010 at 22:34

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10/10

giulia 24 septembrie 2010 at 09:50

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10/10

CosminAD 2 octombrie 2010 at 12:26

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 8/10

Mai sunt multe piese foarte bune ce sper ca vor fi incluse pe viitor. Ramane de vazut si de votat 🙂

Iulian 20 octombrie 2010 at 19:05

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 6/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 7/10

Cosmin Ciortan 25 octombrie 2010 at 19:08

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10/10

La prima melodie a fost restrictionat accesul. Bine ca o stiam de dinainte. 🙂

GEORGE 25 octombrie 2010 at 20:20

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10/10

emanuela vass 19 noiembrie 2010 at 09:21

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 7/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9/10

Georgescu Ramona 18 decembrie 2010 at 18:52

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10/10

Georgescu Iulian 18 decembrie 2010 at 18:52

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10/10

Luca Marius 19 decembrie 2010 at 20:49

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10/10

Miha Dr. 23 decembrie 2010 at 14:43

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 10/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10/10

Simon Alexandra 24 decembrie 2010 at 11:43

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 8/10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 9/10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9/10

Rusu Alexandru 24 decembrie 2010 at 21:19

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 10
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 10

Saileanu Florentina Isabela 2 aprilie 2011 at 15:02

Soundtrack nr.1 nota 10
Soundtrack nr.2 nota 8
Soundtrack nr.3 nota 9


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